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Category: Speech

EJS Accent Class

I just finished Eliza Jane Schneider’s amazing Accents Masterclass. She is an impressive force in the worlds of accents and voiceover. Even after many years of accent work, I gained an incredible amount of knowledge and deepened skills. Check it out!

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The Actor’s School

In March, I joined the faculty of The Actor’s School as a dialect and speech instructor. Working at this school is a great honor. Babs George, an actress who I admire and tremendously respect, has provide top-notch training to the Austin acting community for more than 25 years with her school. I am humbled to join this superbly talent group of instructors.

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Accent Workshop at ZACH

My speech colleague Jen Innes and I partnered to create an accent workshop exploring the shared attributes of Australian and Southern drawls. We had a fantastic time teaching these two accents to students at the lovely ZACH theatre in Austin.

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The Booth is Built!

After two months of labor, expert advice from sound engineers, misleading advice from YouTube, a few commandeered power tools, and essential help and encouragement from family and friends, the booth is built! This soundproof isolation booth was constructed for voiceover work and recording vocals, harmonica, and guitar. I am so happy with the results. The room sounds great and projects have started to arrive. Just in time.

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VASTA/PAVA Conference

Seattle made for the perfect setting of this year’s VASTA/PAVA joint conference. Reconnecting with old friends and meeting new friends from the Pan-American Vocology Association brought a brilliant light to my speech work. Straw phonation, vowel yoga, Linklater improv work, Miller Voice Method triggers, Rena Cook and Hilary Blair’s workshop on coaching corporate clients, and several mini presentations on groundbreaking work in accent acquisition and generative change inspired several great additions to my current approach to speech. Looking forward to next year’s conference!

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